It is a concern for all parents and pet parents alike. Can my artificial grass get too hot for my pet? Unlike AstroTurf in the past, performance blade artificial grass will not get hot become and unsafe for basic activities. New innovations in the way artificial grass is made have made surface temperatures on average 15 degrees cooler than its competitors. The secret is performance blade artificial grass has enhanced yarn fibers that help keep the blades straight up. Not only to look better but to increase airflow. With extra airflow between the fibers. Performance blade artificial grass has made it safe for pets and families to use their yard no matter the time of year. Pets can often be seen sunbathing in heat perfectly content on our artificial grass!
Artificial Grass Master’s secret to being a pet whisperer is that we only use performance blade grass in our inventory. Our Pet Pro line is truly is man’s best friend. Pet Pro has specially engineered Chill Factor Technology that keeps the surface cool to the touch. Unlike other similar products, Pet pro lets your pet be able to safely lounge and play around without worrying about harm to your grass or pet. Furthermore, Pet pro is cleaner than other artificial grass keeping your yard not just liberated from yellowing patches and inconsistent uncovered spots. Our products are designed to take all the hassle out of yard work while making it very low maintenance.
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