Tomato-Tomoto, anyway you put it. These synthetic products are very similar, but can’t be anymore different. Both of these products are synthetic and perform similar duties. However, the industries in which they serve give them their name. Artificial Grass is primarily a landscaping product to which performs many duties such as, aid in irrigation, pet waste, traffic and resemble local grasses. Astroturf on the other hand has generally one duty. To aid as traction for performance fields and imitated the look of grass. You can find artificial grass anywhere from commercial real estate to parks & recreation. Where as, Astroturf will be found primarily on sports fields and arenas.
To put it frankly, the artificial grass we have nowadays is nothing like it was when it was first invented in 1965. Under the name, “Chemgrass,” Astroturf gained popularity once it was installed in Houston’s famed Astrodome, hence the name Astroturf. However over the years Astroturf began to show its true colors. Fading and degrading plagued the astrodome and not to mention all the toxicity concerns coming out about Astroturf. After all this scrutiny, Astroturf had to undergo some changes to become more appealing to the average consumer and not big time sports arenas.
This is when Astroturf began going under the new name, artificial grass. New and improved, this synthetic product is non-toxic, has holes for irrigation and extra yarn seams for add efficiency. This is when artificial grass began making a name for itself. Being recognized as eco friendly by reducing water consumption. Artificial grass became a must have for golf courses and as of recently, can get you a break on your taxes for helping the city out during water shortages. Furthermore, artificial grass raises the value of your house and cuts down carbon emission by eliminating gas powered yard tools. Artificial grass sure has cam a long way from the Astroturf we had in the 60’s. Its greener and better in every way, and will continue to, as more people switch to artificial grass every day.
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